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Our external resources

On this page, you'll find a compilation of valuable, reliable sites and information designed to simplify your procedures and give you the peace of mind you need.

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Government resources

Government website

The public service website provides a wealth of information on the procedures to be followed.


INSEE (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Économiques) can help.

Health insurance

Social security is a key player in the life cycle. Find useful information here.

High Council for Public Health (HCSP)

Medical and health information.

Declaring a death

Declaration of death online on the Public Service website.

Death benefit claim

Allows a person to request payment of the death benefit.

Who pays for funeral expenses?

Information provided by the Public Service concerning the funeral.

What happens to a bank account in the event of death?

Have you just lost a loved one and are wondering what will happen to their bank accounts?

Steps to take after the death of a loved one

L'Assurance Retraite informs you about procedures after a death.

Model -
Informing the bank of the death of a loved one

A sample letter to inform the deceased's bank.

Model -
Informing the landlord of the tenant's death

A model for informing a landlord of the death of his tenant.

Proving you are heir to an estate

Ways to prove entitlement to an inheritance.

Employers: what to do in the event of an employee's death?

Advice on what to do in the event of an employee's death.

Transportation of a deceased person

What the law says about transporting a deceased person.

Burial information

What the law says about burial.

Information about cremation

What the law says about cremation.

What to do in the event of the death of a loved one abroad?

The Service Public website provides information on the procedure to follow when a loved one dies abroad.

What is the reversionary pension?

Official information on reversionary pensions and how to claim them.

About organ donation

Information on a subject that is still difficult to tackle.

Can funeral expenses for a relative be deducted?

The tax authorities provide information on funeral expenses.

Bereavement professionals

Coming soon...

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