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Help with formalities after death

Inventory of what to do and who to notify in the event of death

Carry out a post-death inventory and search for missing information

Help with formalities after death

Postumo provides a complete inventory of the deceased's situation as well as the beneficiaries based on the life history of the deceased and the spouse. 

This ensures that you know exactly who to notify in the event of death, and that you don't forget any formalities. The guide helps you find missing information that the family may not have thought of.

Avec Sérénité de Postumo, l’organisation en amont prend une nouvelle dimension. En plus d’établir un inventaire complet de la situation du défunt et des ayants-droit, cette option permet de planifier les démarches nécessaires bien avant un éventuel décès. Cela inclut la préparation des notifications essentielles et la sécurisation des informations importantes, assurant ainsi que rien ne soit oublié et que la transmission soit fluide et sans stress pour la famille.

Thanks to a carefully designed questionnaire, which covers 17 themes : Legal, vehicle(s), charity(ies), digital, firearms, family situation, professional situation, service providers (real estate, banking, insurance) and the social part to maintain or obtain social rights. 

Postumo makes managing the aftermath of death easier by providing a complete list of organizations to contact and letters to send.

Old man wondering who to call in the event of his death

After the death of a loved one, it is important to draw up a post-death inventory of assets and debts.You'll also be able to find out exactly who to contact in the event of death, as well as the various organizations and post-death procedures that are mandatory.

This makes it possible to know the extent of your estate and organize the management of its assets. Certain procedures and formalities must be carried out with various organizations, such as banks,the insurance or the pension funds,to regularize the deceased's situation.  

Regulatory deadlines are also set to impose acceptance of the product. or renunciation of the estate : taxes, CPAM, insurance, work benefitsestate declaration... There are many private and public organizations that need to be informed when a loved one dies.

Who to notify in the event of death: the list of organizations is unique, depending on each person's life history.

It is therefore essential to draw up an inventory of the administrative formalities to be carried out after a death, and to have an overview of the formalities in order to find all the missing information and make sure you haven't forgotten anything.

Identify heirs and rights-holders

Ensure that all payables and receivables are taken into account

The post-death inventory and the search for missing information also ensure that all the deceased's debts and claims are taken into account. In fact, it is possible that the deceased may have contracted debts  (note: check that the cause of death does not fall within the exclusions of credit life insurance) or that he is a creditor of certain people. 

In this case, it is important to take these debts and receivables into account when determining the net value of the inheritance. and choose whether to accept or renounce the estate. This will also enable us to settle debts and recover receivables.

Facilitating administrative procedures

Last but not least, carrying out a post-death inventory and searching for missing information can facilitate the administrative procedures associated with the death. Indeed, certain authorities and organizations need to know the extent of the deceased's assets, the heirs and successors, as well as debts and claims, in order to be able to make decisions. It is possible to find this information on the deceased's bank statements (note that some organizations make annual deductions). 

However, the dematerialization (or digitization) of account statements can complicate this search, and may incur fees. With this information at hand, it's easier to complete administrative procedures and settle death-related matters more quickly.

What information needs to be researched and inventoried?

Real estate and personal property 

When a loved one dies, it's important to take stock of their situation (tenant, owner, etc.) and to list all the real estate and personal property they owned.

 It could be a main residence, a rental property, land, a car, furniture, valuables, and so on. It's also important to note any mortgages or charges on the property. If you anticipate a dispute, don't hesitate to call in a court commissioner to draw up the inventory.

Bank accounts and financial investments 

It is necessary to search for all bank accounts, savings books, shares, bonds and other financial investments held by the deceased. 

It's important to collect account statements for the last 12 months to find out about current transactions and any debts or receivables.

Life insurance policies and retirement pensions 

It is important to research all life insurance contracts, death insurance policies and retirement pensions of which the deceased was a beneficiary or member. It is important to note the insurance companies involved, the amounts covered and the terms of payment.

Payables and receivables 

Listing all the deceased's debts and receivables will give you an idea of the estate. IOUs held by the deceased on third parties can also be stored in the deceased's belongings or in a safe-deposit box.

It may be a bank debt. Don't forget that a creditor can ask for bank accounts to be frozen.You need to pay off your debts, whether personal or professional. These may include bank debts, tax debts, rent, loans, invoices, and so on. It is also important to investigate any claims the deceased may have had on third parties.

Know exactly who to notify in the event of death

An intelligent questionnaire with 17 key themes to make sure you don't forget anything

Postumo can help you draw up a detailed post-death inventory, giving you a 360° view of the deceased's life course and the certainty of leaving nothing out. Designed and developed to cover all possible situations and life paths, the platform provides an overview with intelligent questions based on your answers. 

Family, professional, asset and banking situation, insurance subscriptions, service providers and employees, social security entitlements...

Postumo is designed to leave no stone unturned, and to cover all fields.

Lady in the distance: who to call in the event of death
The Postumo guarantee
A clear, exhaustive list of all the organizations you need to notify & personalized, pre-filled letter templates to make the process easier and more straightforward.

Step-by-step support for all your post-death procedures

Once you've researched the missing information and taken stock of the steps you've taken, Postumo supports you to write all your death-related letters to organizations and make sure you don't miss any deadlines. 

Grandfather and granddaughter know who to call in the event of death

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The first 100 % online platform for automating death notifications
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The first 100 % online platform for automating death notifications
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