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All you need to know about CPAM Death Benefit

CPAM death benefits: everything you need to know

Do you have questions about the CPAM death benefit? Postumo explains step by step everything you need to know to obtain this death benefit.

Capital Décès CPAM, financial assistance after the loss of a loved one 

The loss of a loved one is a difficult ordeal, but it's essential to know your rights and obligations after a death. There are both essential formalities that need to be carried out, and applications for assistance or financial benefits from which the family or beneficiaries can benefit. All too often, the relatives of a deceased person are unaware of all the formalities to be carried out after the death of a loved one. Postumo's mission is to assist you with all the necessary formalities. However, the platform can also help you to list all the financial assistance for which you may be eligible. Many people do not benefit from financial support from government departments or insurance companies, after death their spouse, their parents, or sometimes even their child.

The CPAM (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie) death benefit - or Capital Décès Sécurité Sociale (Social Security death benefit) - is a financial assistance after the loss of a loved one. Many people are eligible, depending on their profile. Benefit paid by the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM - French health insurance fund) in France to help families cope with the expenses associated with a death.


Understanding the Death Benefit and how to benefit from it.

This article provides detailed information on the CPAM death benefit, including its definition, eligibility conditions, how to apply and when the benefit is payable. Its aim is to help you understand your rights and how to apply. a request for service in case of need. 

We'll be devoting a series of articles to talking about death benefits for different life courses, and adding links to the articles here as we go along. Please come back to this article regularly for more detailed information.


Lump-sum death benefit: financial assistance after the loss of a loved one



What is the CPAM death benefit?

Definition of CPAM death benefit

The CPAM death grant is a benefit paid by the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) in the event of the death of an insured person. This is a financial assistance intended to support relatives, it is paid under certain conditions.

The lump-sum death benefit is not automatic, and must be applied for through the CPAM.

CPAM death benefit

Who is eligible for CPAM death benefits?

To be eligible, the deceased must first be a social security contributor up to date with his or her contributions invalidity-death insurance, old-age insurance and supplementary pension schemes


Are there any conditions for receiving a death benefit? 

The death benefit is subject to conditions linked to the professional situation of the deceased, as well as to the relationship between the deceased and the claimant.

The conditions for receiving a death benefit vary according to the deceased's professional situation and the length of time he or she worked. The list below will help you understand the ins and outs of this assistance.

Professional situation of the deceased at the time of death Conditions linked to this situation Other conditions
Employee 3 consecutive months prior to death or end of salaried activity within the last 12 months
Pôle emploi Indemnified during the 3 months preceding death or have been out of this situation for less than 12 months
Disability pensioner pension received during the 3 months preceding his death or have been out of this situation for less than 12 months
Holder of an accident at work or occupational disease pension Permanent physical disability of at least 66.66% or have been out of this situation for less than 12 months
Self-employed in the craft industry and not retired It was to be affiliated and registered, or last registered, with the old-age insurance scheme and the invalidity-death scheme for self-employed craft workers of the Social Security for the Self-Employed, and having contributed to these schemes.

He or she must not have engaged in any activity requiring registration with another statutory or regulatory social security scheme during the period of interruption of the craft activity between the onset of illness or accident and death as a result of that illness or accident.

It had to be up to date with contributions invalidity-death insurance, old-age insurance and supplementary pension schemes. 

He was not entitled to an old-age pension

Self-employed merchant and not retired It was to be affiliated and having contributed to the social security system for the self-employed as a merchant at the time of death, or receiving a disability pension;

It was to be up to date with contributions invalidity-death insurance, old-age insurance for shopkeepers.

He was not entitled to an old-age pension.
Retired self-employed Have retired status;

Have validated at least 80 quarters of social security insurance as a craftsman or merchant;

To have been a craftsman or tradesman for the last year of practice, or as a former craftsman recognized as unfit for the trade and having taken up another professional activity.

It had to be up to date with all contributions basic and supplementary old-age, disability and death benefits under the craftsmen's scheme...

capital deces cpam ayants droits


Who are the beneficiaries eligible for CPAM death benefits? ?

Persons who were effectively, totally and permanently dependent on the deceased at the time of death are referred to as "dependants".priority beneficiaries". They may have to prove that they were financially dependent on the deceased (e.g. the insured was supporting a child or a parent who is not working).

These may include : 

  • the surviving spouse or civil union partner (if the deceased was a salaried employee), 
  • the spouse not separated de jure or de facto (if the deceased was self-employed) or;.
  • children in the absence of a spouse or civil union partner or;
  • the deceased's ascendants (parents or grandparents) in the absence of a spouse, PACS partner or child.

Priority beneficiaries have one (1) month in which to make a request. 

After this period, or in the absence of priority beneficiaries, the capital may be paid out in the following orderIn this case, the beneficiaries are referred to as non-priority beneficiaries and have a period of 2 years from the date of death.

Special case of children of self-employed workers  

An orphan's benefit may be paid for dependent children under the age of 16 at the time of death. It can also be paid for children aged between 16 and under 20 if they are still studying or in an apprenticeship.

Lastly, children with disabilities are eligible for the orphan's benefit, regardless of age.

Applications for death benefits for minors must be made by the legal representative, or in the absence of a representative, by the district court judge. This sum must be paid into a bank account in the minor's name.

Special case of the death of a dependent child under 25.

The term "death benefit" is no longer used. Applications must be made to the CAF. It is paid to the parent or couple who were responsible for the child.

Aoth persons other than those listed above cannot claim the death benefit from Social Security.

If there are several beneficiaries of the same rank (children or grandparents), the amount is then divided between them.


How much is the CPAM death benefit?

If the deceased was an employee, the CPAM death benefit is set at 3,738 euros since April 1ᵉʳ, 2023. This amount is subject to annual revision.

The CPAM death benefit may be paid in a single lump sum or in several instalments, as the claimant chooses. The amount can also be divided between several beneficiaries, according to their degree of kinship with the deceased.

The amount of the CPAM death benefit can be different in some cases, for example, if the deceased was self-employed and not retired, it may be equal to 8 798,40 € .

For retired self-employed workers, it may be equal to 3 519,36 € or if the deceased was a practitioner or a home care worker, the amounts can vary between a minimum of €439.92 and a maximum of €10,998.

The CPAM death grant is an important benefit for the next of kin of a deceased insured person. It provides help them meet funeral expenses and provide for their financial needs during this difficult period. So it's important to know conditions of eligibility and terms of payment financial assistance.


Death benefits and assistance available after the loss of a loved one


How do I apply for a CPAM death benefit?

The CPAM death benefit application process may seem daunting, but it's important to remember that Postumo is there to help individuals and families in difficult times and take the necessary steps at your side. 


Visit a step-by-step guide to help you complete your CPAM death benefit application.


Documents required to apply

The request for a death benefit from the CPAM must be made using the CERFA form N° S 3180 available here : Death benefit application for CPAM .

The supporting documents to be attached to the application are indicated on this form. 

They vary according to the professional situation of the deceased, the family relationship, the place of residence of the claimant and the place of death (in France or abroad).  


How do I fill in the application form?

It's time to fill in the CPAM death benefit claim form. Although the instructions are enclosed with the form, here are some of them. a step-by-step guide to help you fill in the form accurately: 

  • Start by filling in your personal details and listing all the people who could be eligible.
  • Enter information about the deceased (social security number, surname, first name) and information about the death (date, place, cause).
  • Fill in the information about your professional situation.
  • Lastly, provide information on your family situation
  • Provide your bank details so that the CPAM death benefit can be paid directly into your account.
  • Sign and date the application form.

Don't forget to enclose all supporting documents with your application, otherwise it will not be processed.


Where to send the request

Once you have fill in the form and gathered all the necessary documents, it's time to send your application to the CPAM.

The application should be sent to the health insurance fund to which the deceased belonged.

The public service CPAM directory will help you find your postal address: CPAM directory


Where can I send my CPAM Death Benefit claim?
Where can I send my CPAM Death Benefit claim?


It is important to note that it may take several weeks to process your application, so please be patient. If you have any questions or concerns about your application, please contact CPAM for help.

In short, applying for a CPAM death benefit may seem complicated, but with the right documents and by following the steps above, you can ensure that your application will is filled in accurately and sent to the correct address.

If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact the CPAM for information and advice, or to enlist the help of one of the following professionals Postumo will be with you every step of the way.


We therefore recommend that you provide all the necessary documents with your first application in order to avoid delays in processing the request. 


Capital Décès Assurance Maladie: regularly updated advice

The Assurance Maladie website provides valuable information that is regularly updated. You can visit the death of a loved one: benefits and formalities.


Infographic: the essential steps to apply for a Death Benefit
Infographic: the essential steps to apply for a death benefit


In this article, we look in detail at what the CPAM death benefit is, who can benefit from it and how to apply.

To find out more about the CPAM death benefit, see CPAM website or contact your local CPAM directly. You can also consult the French government website for further information on social benefits.

Finally, if you'd like help with the formalities involved in the death of a loved one, and a guarantee that you'll be informed and supported in obtaining all the assistance for which you or your family are eligible, register with Postumo. 



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